Baptism is the way that one becomes a Christian, a member of the Church. Jesus told us 'He who is baptized will be saved.' Baptism is therefore necessary for salvation.
BAPTISM OF CHILDREN UNDER AGE 7: Children should be baptized within the first few weeks of birth. Parents and Godparents attend two classes in preparation for baptism of their child. English baptisms are done on the 1st Saturday of the month, Spanish baptisms are done on the 2nd Saturday of the month
BAPTISM AGE 7-17 YEARS OLD Children and young people receive instruction and preparation for baptism. If they attend our school, this preparation is part of their relgious formation. Otherwise, children attend our Relgious Education program to prepare for the holy sacraments.
BAPTISM FOR ADULTS Adults who wish to become baptized prepare by RCIA classes which begin in the Fall. These weekly classes are a help in learning about the Christian faith and life. It is a 6 month program.
For more information on baptism, contact the parish office: 708-562-0500