To Parents: According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 'Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children.' Living the Christian faith in the home is therefore the most important thing we can do; teaching our children to pray, praying together as a family, reading with them about Jesus and the saints. Parents therefore have the first responsibility to guide their children to heaven. In addition to this, St. John's offers religious formation for children. This can be when they attend our Catholic school, or by attending our Religious Education programs. For information, contact the parish office.
SUMMARY OF OUR PROGRAMS OF PREPARATION BAPTISM Baptism is the way that one becomes a Christian, a member of the Church. Jesus told us 'He who is baptized will be saved.' Baptism is therefore necessary for salvation.
BAPTISM OF CHILDREN UNDER AGE 7: Children should be baptized within the first few weeks of birth. Parents and Godparents attend two classes in preparation for baptism of their child. English baptisms are done on the 1st Saturday of the month, Spanish baptisms are done on the 2nd Saturday of the month
BAPTISM AGE 7-17 YEARS OLD Children and young people receive instruction and preparation for baptism. If they attend our school, this preparation is part of their relgious formation. Otherwise, children attend our Relgious Education program to prepare for the holy sacraments.
BAPTISM FOR ADULTS Adults who wish to become baptized prepare by RCIA classes which begin in the Fall. These weekly classes are a help in learning about the Christian faith and life. It is a 6 month program.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Holy Communion is the moment when we are intimately joined with Our Lord, and we can speak to him of all our concerns. It is a wedding banquet, in which we join in a one-flesh-union with Christ. Jesus said, 'Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you...whoever eats this Bread will live forever.'
Children normally receive their First Holy Communion when they are 7 years old. Our Religious Education program is a 2 year program, so they should begin when they are 6 years old. Children in the school will be prepared for their First Communion as part of the school religious formation. Homeschool families should contact the pastor.
ADULTS: Adults who have yet to make their 1st Holy Communion enter into the RCIA classes that begin in the Fall.
CONFIRMATION The sacrament of Confirmation is a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit that completes Baptism. A person who is fully initiated into the Church has received Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
Young people prepare for Confirmation for at least 2 years by attending Religious Education classes; those who attend St. John Vianney School automatically receive the formation for Confirmation. Confirmation is normally given by the Bishop in the Spring. Home schooled families should contact the Pastor or the Religious Education director.
ADULT CONFIRMATION: Those 18 years or older who have not yet received Confirmation may attend the RCIA classes that begin in the Fall. It is a 6 month preparation.