MARRIAGE When a man and woman love each other, and wish to give their hearts to each other and begin a family, they seek the Holy Sacrament of Marriage. "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and is joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." - Gen 2:24
Couples wishing to be married must meet with a priest at least 6 months prior to their wedding (before reserving a date or a banquet hall). Then a date can be set that is available with the Church. -------------------------------- THOSE WHO ARE CIVILLY MARRIED Those who are married only civilly need to be married in the Church; this can be a simple exchange of vows before the priest, but they must meet with a priest to prepare. For Catholics, a civil marriage is not a real marriage. -------------------------------- TO BE MARRIED ELSEWHERE If you plan to be married in another state or country, or in a destination wedding (in a church) you need to do all of your preparation here at St. John's; we then send the completed marriage file to the Archdiocese who fowards it to the place of the wedding. Preparation takes 6 months.