The Sacrament of Confession is an encounter with the mercy of God. Jesus gave his first priests the power to forgive sins when he said: 'Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven them,' and so for 2000 years Catholic priests have continued the mission of mercy that Christ gave them.
When we commit serious sins we must be reconciled with Christ and his Church. Jesus speaks through the priest in forgiving us, and the priest speaks on behalf of the community of the Church to welcome the sinner back. Catholics must go to Confession at least once a year, although it is better to go monthly. The steps to going to Confession are simple: 1) Examine your conscience since your last Confession 2) Resolve to turn away from these sins and begin again 3) Enter the Confessional, kneel at the screen, and say: 'Bless me father for I have sinned, it has been ... tell how long since your last Confession 4) Tell your sins simply and clearly 5) The priest gives you some advice and a penance to say later 6) Recite the Act of Contrition 7) The priest will give you Absolution (forgiveness) 8) With a clean heart leave, and go pray your penance!