The Sacrament of Confession (Penance) is an encounter with the mercy of God. Jesus gave his first priests the power to forgive sins when he said: 'Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven them.' When we commit serious sins (mortal sins), we must be reconciled with Christ and his Church. Jesus speaks through the priest in forgiving us, and the priest speaks on behalf of the community of the Church to welcome the sinner back. The steps to going to Confession are simple: 1) Examine your conscience since your last Confession 2) Resolve to turn away from these sins and begin again 3) Enter the Confessional, kneel at the screen, and say: 'Bless me father for I have sinned, it has been ... tell how long since your last Confession 4) Tell your sins simply and clearly 5) The priest will give you a little advice and give you a penance to say later 6) Recite the Act of Contrition 7) The priest will give you Absolution (forgiveness) 8) With a clean heart, leave and go pray your penance!
Sacrament of Baptism Baptism is the way that one becomes a Christian, a member of the Church. Jesus told us 'He who is baptized will be saved.' Baptism is therefore necessary for salvation. Children should be baptized within the first few weeks of birth. Parents and Godparents attend two classes in preparation for baptism of their child. English baptisms are done on the 1st Saturday of the month, Spanish baptisms are done on the 2nd Saturday of the month
First Holy Communion Holy Communion is the moment when we are intimately joined with Our Lord, and we can speak to him of all our concerns. It is a wedding banquet, in which we join in a one-flesh-union with Christ. Jesus said, 'Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you...whoever eats this Bread will live forever.' Children normally receive their First Holy Communion when they are 7 years old. Our Religious Education program is a 2 year program, so they should begin when they are 6 years old. Children in the school will be prepared for their First Communion as part of the school religious formation. Homeschool families should contact the pastor.
Anointing of the Sick When a person is seriously ill or near death, it is important that they received anointing of the sick. The Holy Scriptures tell us that 'if someone is sick, call the priests that they would anoint him.' Anointing of the sick gives us the spiritual strength to carry our sufferings in hope, and if the person is unconscious can forgive their sins (if they are sorry). Normally one should confess one's sins before receiving this sacrament if he is able. If you or your loved one is seriously sick, call the rectory to have a priest give them anointing of the sick. If death is imminent, call the rectory day or night.
The Sacrament of Confirmation Those receiving Confirmation prepare for 2 years by attending Religious Education (CCD) Those who attend SJV School automatically receive the formation for Confirmation. Home schooled families should contact Fr. Luke Winkelmann or the Religious Education director. Those 18 years or older may attend RCIA classes to prepare for Confirmation.
The Sacrament of Marriage Couples wishing to be married should contact the rectory office at least 6 months prior to their wedding. If you plan to be married in another country, you will do all of your preparation here at St. John's and have the documents sent to the parish there. Preparation takes 6 months.